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California Polytechnic State University

College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences

Department of Food Science & Nutrition

November 29, 2023


Research Project Title: Evaluation of Hydration Potential for Sonoma Soft Seltzer - H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc."

In this study CalPoly university investigated the effects of H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc., on hydration in adult females compared to still water and a commercial standard energy/sports drink.


Scope – Research Question – Aim

In the study described herein, it was investigated the effects of H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc., on hydration in adult females compared to still water and a commercial standard energy/sports drink.

Experimental Design

Participants: Sixty (60) adult females comprised the population sample for the described study.

Experimental Design: The participants were randomly assigned (although normalized by Body Mass Index) into 3 groups of 20 participants each:

- Group 1 (N=20): Treatment 1 H2o group (H2O wineWater 0.0% Alc.) came to lab fasted and baseline was taken (TANITA)  participants then consumed the H2o beverage (16oz), and after 1-hour TANITA measurements were repeated.

- Group 2 (N=20): Treatment 2 Energy Drink group; came to lab fasted and baseline was taken (TANITA) consumed Energy drink beverage (16oz), and after 1-hour TANITA measurements were repeated.

- Group 3 (N=20): Control group; came to lab fasted and baseline was taken (TANITA) consumed still bottled water (16oz), and after 1-hour TANITA measurements were repeated.


The current research study was approved by California Polytechnic State University Institutional Review Board (IRB#: confidential) prior to commencing with the study. All procedures were in full accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and all participants gave their informed written consent for inclusion before they participated in the study.


The results were analyzed statistically through a multiple comparison test approach employing a 2-way ANOVA.


The purpose of this research study was to evaluate the hydration potential of H2o Sonoma Soft Seltzer - H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc., versus bottled commercially available standard water and a typical commercially available energy drink. The outcome variables included (one hour post consumption of 16oz of each beverage): a full electrolyte panel assessment for blood plasma, blood plasma osmolality, plasma glucose concentration, and a bioelectrical impedance derived body composition that assessed body water levels. All the blood plasma measurements were performed according to standardized laboratory methodology in a certified diagnostics laboratory.


Osmolality is an established measure commonly used to evaluate hydration status/level in blood plasma.


The purpose of the study conducted and described herein was the evaluation of the hydration potential of Sonoma Soft Seltzer H2o - H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc., versus standard still water and a typical energy drink, all commercially available. The findings presented discuss the difference in any of the outcome variables/parameters measured, which are used to evaluate hydration status/levels.

Osmolality is a key and major well-established descriptor of hydration status. The higher the blood osmolality the higher the hydration status (more water retained/present in the blood and hence available).

Differences among the three beverages tested exist of course at the levels of taste, flavor/aroma as well as composition. H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc., containing antioxidants, bioactive compounds found in wine and juice extracted from wine grapes, as well as extra vitamin C, potassium, magnessium, while the energy drink contains higher levels of carbohydrate (added sugar). While this study did not specifically assess these aspects, it is biologically plausible and not unreasonable to expect potential positive effects attributed to the bioactive compounds present in H2o wineWater 0.0% Alc, due to its composition/origin.

It is important to note that this was an acute study whereby 16oz were administered and outcome variables were measured 1-hour post-consumption in female participants. It would be interesting to conduct a long-term experiment and investigate how long-term effects (if any) manifest differently among different beverages.


In an acute experimental setting, H2o WineWater 0.0% Alc. containing antioxidants and active compounds, akin to those found in wine, is determined as an excellent beverage for hydration. In adult females, it led to higher plasma osmolality compared to both water and an energy drink.


This work was conducted following the standard scientific research norms, protocols and practices adopted by California Polytechnic State University.


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